WWE NXT Battleground 2024 Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction and Highlights (2024)

WWE NXT Battleground 2024 Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction and Highlights

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    WWE NXT Battleground 2024 Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction and Highlights (1)

    Jordynne Grace presented the biggest challenge Roxanne Perez has ever faced.Credit: WWE.com.

    The UFC Apex hosted one of the most anticipated WWE NXT events in recent memory: Battleground 2024.

    Trick Williams put his NXT Championship on the line against the debuting "All Ego" Ethan Page. Was Trick ready to fight someone he had no time to prepare for?

    Roxanne Perez faced a unique threat, the powerful TNA Knockouts world champion Jordynne Grace. Could The Prodigy fend off the threat of one of the most dominant women in the wider wrestling world?

    The inaugural Women's North American champion would be crowned in a ladder match. Would Fallon Henley, Jaida Parker, Kelani Jordan, Lash Legend, Michin or Sol Ruca walk out with the gold?

    Oba Femi continued his dominant North American Championship reign facing two dangerous men. Would Wes Lee or Joe Coffey steal his gold?

    Nathan Frazer and Axiom put the NXT Tag Team Championships on the line against The O.C. Could Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson add more gold to their impressive careers?

    Shayna Baszler looked to leave a lasting impression on Lola Vice. Was The Queen of Spades ready for what Vice would bring in a brutal NXT Underground environment?

    Battleground was certain to deliver a unique experience, driven by the environment inside the UFC Apex.

NXT Women's North American Championship Ladder Match

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    Everyone had to work together to eliminate Lash Legend in this physical contest that ended with a shocking run up the ladder by Kelani Jordan to retrieve the NXT Women's North American Championship.

    WWE @WWE

    She did it!<a href="https://twitter.com/kelani_wwe?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@kelani_wwe</a> makes history by becoming the first-ever <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWENXT?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#WWENXT</a> Women's North American Champion at <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NXTBattleground?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NXTBattleground</a>! <a href="https://t.co/LKlu315gib">pic.twitter.com/LKlu315gib</a>

    This was a genuinely shocking result. While Jordan was a dark-horse candidate, Sol Ruca, Fallon Henley and Legend all had a clearer path to the gold.

    However, it was very much earned. Jordan has been one of the best in-ring workers of the women's division since her arrival and was more ready for gold than Lola Vice, who beat her to capture the Women's Breakout Tournament contract.

    This was a major statement that solidifies Jordan as the rising star of the women's division. Even if she loses the gold quickly (which is possible if she faces Henley), she will always be the first to hold this title.

    The match itself was solid and included some unique creative spots. Michin was especially the ring general throughout for obvious reasons. However, the lack of energy due to the set up of the arena dampened the impact.


    Jordan def. Michin, Henley, Legend, Jaida Parker and Ruca to become the first Women's North American champion.



    Notable Moments

    • Guest host Sexyy Red opened the show with an uninspired introduction.
    • The UFC Apex crowd looked and sounded too small for the buildup of this show.
    • The acoustics were not set up well for the crowd, who sounded non-existent most of this match despite decent efforts on chants.
    • Red celebrated later with Jordan and invited her to a post-show party.

NXT Tag Team Championships: Nathan Frazer & Axiom (c) vs. The O.C.

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    Nathan Frazer and Axiom overcame the best Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson could throw at them.

    With a final burst of energy, The Supersonic Duo hit a Spanish Fly into a Phoenix Splash on Anderson to win.

    WWE @WWE

    HOW????<a href="https://twitter.com/MachineGunKA?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@MachineGunKA</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/The_BigLG?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@The_BigLG</a> were THAT close to becoming <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWENXT?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#WWENXT</a> Tag Team Champions 😱<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NXTBattleground?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NXTBattleground</a> <a href="https://t.co/NrC0CkxPQF">pic.twitter.com/NrC0CkxPQF</a>

    This is about as good as The O.C. has looked since returning to WWE. The veterans came to work, pulling out athletic moves that rivaled their athletic opponents.

    The setting continued to let the action down, but a "This is Awesome" chant did slip out for a few seconds when the in-ring performance was moving at its fastest.

    Despite strong story behind the action, the drama was lacking down the stretch. It never truly felt like The O.C. had a real chance to win, but perhaps that should be reevaluated for a potential rematch since Gallows and Anderson work better in NXT.


    Frazer and Axiom def. Gallows and Anderson by pinfall to retain the NXT Tag Team Championships.



    Notable Moments

    • The O.C. hit the Magic Killer on Axiom. Frazer barely made the save on the pinfall attempt with a springboard splash.
    • Anderson hit a top-rope TKO for a near-fall on Axiom that felt like it could have finished the match.
    • NXT showed recycled video packages from Josh Briggs, Carlee Bright and Dante Chen. It is a shame it could not create new videos for the show.

NXT Underground: Shayna Baszler vs. Lola Vice

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    Lola Vice found an opening to target the right knee of Shayna Baszler, allowing her to dominate the early action.

    That damage paid off as a second spinning back fist knocked out The Queen of Spades.

    WWE @WWE

    The ref stops it!!!<a href="https://twitter.com/lolavicewwe?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@lolavicewwe</a> beats <a href="https://twitter.com/QoSBaszler?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@QoSBaszler</a> in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NXTUnderground?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NXTUnderground</a> 😱<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NXTBattleground?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NXTBattleground</a> <a href="https://t.co/fSCtljE3Qc">pic.twitter.com/fSCtljE3Qc</a>

    This match was made for this format, helped by the loud pounding of the wrestlers around the ring. Baszler made Vice look dangerous throughout this hard-hitting fight.

    NXT Underground has been a hit so far and should remain a staple for a long time to come in the brand. Vice and Eddy Thorpe are the established dominant forces of the format, and many others would thrive in this setting.

    It is questionable if Vice was ready to pick up wins over both Natalya and Baszler in short order, but NXT has committed to her. She will need to prove she is worthy of it quickly.

    These wins need to push Vice into NXT Women's Championship contention. Anything else would be a waste of two main roster veterans losing big.


    Vice def. Baszler by TKO.



    Notable Moments

    • Baszler missed a knee, landing on the announce table. Vice pounced, bashing the knee into the turnbuckle and then stretched it out in transitioning submissions in the ring.
    WWE @WWE

    OH NO 😬<a href="https://twitter.com/QoSBaszler?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@QoSBaszler</a> might have just DESTROYED her knee...<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NXTBattleground?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NXTBattleground</a> <a href="https://t.co/YHNazcvPre">pic.twitter.com/YHNazcvPre</a>

    • Baszler nearly got knocked out by Vice with a spinning back fist. The Queen of Spades got frustrated and wiped out several wrestlers at ringside.

North American Championship: Oba Femi (c) vs. Wes Lee vs. Joe Coffey

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    Gallus made the save for Joe Coffey time and again throughout this fight.

    However, after Lee dived onto Mark Coffey and Wolfgang, Oba Femi planted both challengers with powerbombs to win the match with dominance.


    DOMINATION. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NXTBattleground?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NXTBattleground</a> <a href="https://t.co/fKVkWCCORu">pic.twitter.com/fKVkWCCORu</a>

    The expected Gallus interference hurt the pace of this contest, but that did not stop what was another quality title defense for NXT's resident monster.

    No one in WWE has looked more consistently impressive in the last year than Femi since his debut. The way he took down both men at the end left little question of who was the champion.

    Hopefully, NXT will rebuild Lee for a singles bout next month against Femi. That is still a money match for the right stage. Joe did his job but was clearly the odd man out.


    Femi def. Joe and Lee by pinfall to retain the North American Championship.



    Notable Moments

    • After Gallus took out Femi, Joe hit the Glasgow Send-Off on Lee to nearly win.
    • The champion rose up to smash both Mark and Wolfgang on the outside.

NXT Women's Championship: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Jordynne Grace

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    Jordynne Grace countered Roxanne Perez time and again, using her incredible strength.

    However, Tatum Paxley distracted Grace by trying to steal the TNA Knockouts Championship.

    The Knockouts champion laid out Paxley and a surprise appearance from TNA's Ash By Excellence (a.k.a. Dana Brooke).

    The Prodigy caught Grace afterward with Pop Rox to win.

    WWE @WWE

    WHAT. <br>JUST. <br>HAPPENED???<br><br>With a little bit of chaos, <a href="https://twitter.com/roxanne_wwe?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@roxanne_wwe</a> defeats <a href="https://twitter.com/JordynneGrace?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@JordynneGrace</a> 🤯<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NXTBattleground?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NXTBattleground</a> <a href="https://t.co/a4g1rD6up4">pic.twitter.com/a4g1rD6up4</a>

    If any NXT fans were skeptical about checking out TNA, Grace delivered in this spot, showing out for the entire Knockouts division.

    She and Perez worked this more like a Knockouts match than an NXT women's bout, and it helped them stand out. The Prodigy has rarely looked this comfortable with an opponent, working an impressive speed without slowing.

    Unfortunately, a lame finish let down the action that came before, making sure Perez vs. Grace was not quite a match-of-the-year contender. Still, this was entirely unlike anything WWE has produced in a long time.

    Hopefully, the TNA partnership will grow to allow more big matches like this in the future. More TNA wrestlers need to appear than just Grace and, a woman who was in NXT last year, Ash by Excellence.


    Perez def. Grace by pinfall to retain the NXT Women's Championship.



    Notable Moments

    • Grace's earring got pulled out early, causing her to bleed.
    • Both women leaned into their strikes, landing hard in a way WWE matches rarely deliver.

NXT Championship: Trick Williams (c) vs. 'All Ego' Ethan Page

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    Trick Williams looked extra-motivated, pushed by the taunts of "All Ego" Ethan Page.

    When Page's best shot could not put his rival away, he got incensed by the referee. The distraction allowed Trick to recover and hit the Trick Knee to win.

    WWE @WWE

    From outta nowhere!<a href="https://twitter.com/OfficialEGO?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@OfficialEGO</a> took his eye off the ball, and <a href="https://twitter.com/_trickwilliams?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@_trickwilliams</a> hits him with a Trick Shot to get the win 🙌<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NXTBattleground?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NXTBattleground</a> <a href="https://t.co/bvDPJyrl3F">pic.twitter.com/bvDPJyrl3F</a>

    Page was the obvious leader here, sometimes pushing Trick past the speed that he was comfortable working. However, the challenger motivated the NXT champion to work extra heated.

    It was still a clear indication that Trick has room to grow as the top man in NXT, but it was also a strong showcase that he can get there working with great competitors.

    The women should have main-evented, even with the messy finish, since there was no big surprise left for NXT to deliver by the end.

    This would have been a cool spot to provide another shock with a TNA arrival or establish Trick's next challenger at least. With only one month before Heatwave, only Noam Dar is an option, which is a fine but unspectacular choice.


    Trick def. Page by pinfall to retain the NXT Championship.



    Notable Moments

    • All Ego appeared with his first full entrance. The smoke and spotlight was effective, but his music sounded half-finished.
    • Trick's entrance delivered the loudest response of the night by a wide margin.
    • This started hot as a brawl, with both men trading mounted punches.
    • Page finally got back the momentum with a powerslam through the announce table. He followed up with an Ego's Edge in the ring for a near-fall.

Overall Show

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    Battleground was a fine premium live event without memorable moments. Kelani Jordan's win to open the night saw the only new champion crowned.

    The only surprise appearance was an unheralded arrival from Ash By Excellence that merely led to her getting knocked down outside.

    With Heatwave a month away, NXT ended its major feuds with definitive results that leave little immediate excitement on the horizon in any division.

    The wrestling was all at least good with a few clear standouts. Roxanne Perez vs. Jordynne Grace was the kind of match NXT/TNA could run back three more times without fail.

    Lola Vice picked up the most important win of her career against a game Shayna Baszler. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson delivered a late-career-defining effort against Nathan Frazer and Axiom.

    The shame is that none of it felt like a true PLE. The UFC Apex was quieter than the WWE Performance Center, and flat results left no room for major conversation.

    Overall Grade: B-

WWE NXT Battleground 2024 Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction and Highlights (2024)


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