Voters Who Dislike Both Trump And Biden Are Sharing How They Think They'll Vote In November (2024)

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Voters who dislike both Trump and Biden (aka "double haters") could wind up deciding the 2024 presidential election. If you want to know what Republicans or Democrats are thinking about this election, it's easy to find out — just switch on Fox News or MSNBC. But what about the double-haters? To understand where they're coming from, I asked members of the BuzzFeed Community who don't like either candidate to share their reasoning and how they're planning to vote. Whether you agree with them or not, they present important objections that the victor of the race will need to overcome, so that's why I'm so interested in sharing their views. Here's what they had to say: 1. "Both are bad options. I feel as if either party had put out a candidate that was even somewhat competent they'd win in a landslide. I don't feel like there is a lot to hash out here. Trump is a loose cannon, and you have zero clue what he is going to say or do. I feel like during his first term, he had some people around him that helped keep him somewhat in check, but my fear is that this time around, that won't be the case." 2. "I have historically voted Democrat and tend towards the liberal side. I hate that Democrats are all talk and no action! If they really cared about the American people, they would be making real change, not just dangling things in front of people to get the votes but doing nothing once elected. I live in Oregon, which is historically a democratic state, so I’m leaning towards not voting at all this year since the electoral college means my vote doesn’t actually count. I can’t stand Trump, but I don’t know if I can vote for Biden, either. The two-party system is awful but even worse when both parties have mediocre candidates, at best." 3. "A small part of me, and only a very small part, wants Trump to be elected because then you know he definitely can't run again because of the two-term rule we have in the USA. So we'd avoid all this strife another time once and for all. Another part of me is incredulous how a convicted felon can even run for the presidency in the USA." 4. "I believe myself to be more closely aligned with the Green party than the Republican or Democratic parties. My reasons for not liking Trump should be obvious; he is a flagrant criminal who is focused on dividing our country. Biden, meanwhile, only appears to be a decent choice when compared to someone horrid like Trump. Biden continues the draconic practices at the southern border, practices like separating families and denying entry to asylum seekers." 5. "Blue MAGAs fear Project 2025 because suddenly, these mostly middle-aged white cisgender-heterosexual people will be treated like POC/queer/trans/non-christians/disabled/poor people. Biden is a far-right Republican, and Trump is a full-on fascist. Biden [hasn't done anything] for reproductive and trans rights and is a literal war criminal sending bombs and money to Israel every 36 hours. People are starving in our country; disabled people live on pennies, but don't worry, he's gonna kill those brown kids!" 6. "Morally, I can’t justify voting for either Biden or Trump. One supports genocide, and the other is a psychotic maniac who could start another civil war. So I’ll be voting Independent. Yes, the possibility of the independent candidate winning is low, but I believe if enough people vote Independent, it could make a difference a few elections from now." 7. "I’m 100% a double hater. I can’t stand both, and I have my issues with how Biden has handled things, but Trump is an absolute threat to our country. If you sit out this election, you are voting for Trump; don’t try to convince yourself otherwise." 8. "I worked for The Trump Organization 40 years ago and knew then that the man was an ignorant, racist, sexist narcissist. He will lie and cheat to benefit himself. He has had more failures than successes, but he sells himself as a genius and calls anyone who doesn't agree a moron. I liked Biden years ago when he was more conservative, but I believe he is no longer mentally qualified for the job —and is a puppet for a party that has gone way too far left." 9. "Donald Trump is an egomaniacal, selfish, bullheaded moron who has no place holding a public office of any kind. Joe Biden is a shambling corpse who has no idea where he is or what he’s doing at any given time, and if it's not him directly funding genocide overseas, it’s his crooked buddies using him to do so. I am disgusted with both candidates and will not bother to vote this year." 10. "Trump is a lunatic, and Biden is too weak. However, I will likely vote for Biden because it's a safe bet. I am a Republican that doesn't consider anyone who identifies as MAGA a Republican. It's a cult full of uneducated degenerates who believe that America has failed them. However, the truth is they have failed themselves due to their own stupidity in life." 11. "I f*cking hate having to vote for another old white man, but I'm going to do it. Even if Biden accomplishes nothing in a second term, it'll be better than having Drumpf in office again. He's a threat to democracy, so I'm voting Biden. Fingers crossed that Drumpf dies from a heart attack soon, so we can finally be rid of his racist, misogynistic, hom*ophobic, transphobic orange ass. He's a vile excuse for a human being." 12. "I am not a 'double-hater' but a 'double-disapprover,' as NPR noted. Bot Biden and Trump have given us records and behaviors I disapprove of completely, so I refuse to put my stamp of approval on either by voting for them. I have been a lifelong Democrat, but I will not 'vote blue no matter who' because Biden’s arming of Israel and support of genocide in Gaza is horrifying." 13. "I’m not voting. I no longer believe that my vote even matters at this point, and I’m not going to be bullied by people from either side into voting for their candidate because 'every vote counts and it’ll be all your fault if my guy loses.'" 14. "I dislike Biden for a lot of reasons, mainly because he’s completely out of touch with the needs of the middle class, condones genocide, and, frankly, should be enjoying retirement, not stumbling around the capital. But I will vote for him in November because the alternative is a convicted fraud and conman who, as president, oversaw the deaths of millions of Americans to COVID due to a completely unhinged and incompetent response and who will, if reelected, make this country into even more of a dystopian hell-hole by enacting Project 2025 initiatives and becoming a dictator." 15. "I have always been an Independent voter. I am, however, anti-Trump party and far-right extremism. Unfortunately, the Democrats are doing EXACTLY what they did in 2016 with Clinton. No majority of the Democrat base wanted Clinton to be the candidate, yet they thought they had it in the bag versus Trump. They did not listen to the base, which told them over and over that she could not win. There are, unfortunately, still too many men (and women) who despise the idea of a female president. The DNC is doing the exact same thing this time. It should not even be a choice in this election... yet here we are. It's depressing!" 16. "Hate is a strong word, but I severely dislike both candidates. I am struggling with whether I will vote or not since the only option is to choose the lesser of two evils. Sadly, the lesser of two evils is still evil." 17. "I believe that Trump is a legitimate threat to democracy, and I am scared for the safety of my friends and family should he have a second term because of threats to LGBTQ+ rights, body autonomy, freedom of religion, etc. However, I cannot bring myself to vote for Biden, who is currently facilitating a genocide in Gaza. In general, I have lost faith in Democrats." 18. "They are both so terrible. Why are we forced to continuously pick the 'lesser of two evils'? I remember being a young kid and having huge respect for the office of the presidency, and now I realize these aren't the best and the brightest America has to offer. It's all about who has the most money from lobbyists. Trump is a dumpster fire of a human being who's committed criminal acts alongside members of his family who were NEVER qualified to be advisors." 19. "Clearly, only Republican or only Democrat has done nothing for this country. I don't understand why someone from the Green or Independent party is never elected. I don't understand why old, well-past-the-age-of-retirement, crusty, senile, white men are always in power in this country. We are burning, and we are failing, and we are suffering." 20. "I would crawl over broken glass to vote against Trump. He's a horrible, deeply flawed human being who only cares for himself. A misogynist, sexist, racist, isolationist, useful Putin puppet, draft dodger, convicted felon, coup plotter, serial liar, and wanna-be dictator. I could go on and on about his failings. He has ripped this country apart and brought out the worst in people. As for Biden, he's a good man, but I feel deceived." 21. "Biden has done a supremely sub-par job in the face of admittedly extreme problems that need real solutions. While I think there's a degree of difficulty to factor in in terms of his accomplishments (or lack thereof), the worst unforced error of his presidency was the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Just an absolute sh*t show." 22. "At this point in my life, I absolutely refuse to vote for either Democrat or Republican party candidates. I will vote for the Independent, whom no one knows anything about, as the media will only showcase these two parties. I LOATHE that Americans will only vote for only Dems or Reps. I am NOT going to force myself to choose between these two." 23. "In 2020, I voted for Biden just to get rid of Trump, but I can’t stand either of them. Trump is a senile lunatic, and Biden won’t do anything that could damage his political popularity (i.e., standing up to Israel on the Gaza genocide). Additionally, they’re both too old, IMO. They both need to retire and let someone younger get in there who actually understands society now. Not sure who I’m voting for at the moment, but it will likely end up being a third-party candidate." 24. "I do hate both candidates, but my primary objection is that most American people are not represented in our current political structure of old white men and wealthy individuals and corporations. Hardly anyone in politics is honestly working for the interests of the American people." 25. "Both candidates show the worst extremes of both parties. It’s all about 'owning' the other side rather than coming to solutions that actually help people. I’m a conservative, and I want to use my vote to show I’m dissatisfied with the options and the direction of the Republican Party, so I will probably write in Nikki Haley. I would be tempted to vote for Trump if he picked a decent VP, but I doubt he will, and even if he did, they would probably slide down the MAGA slippery slope." 26. "I hate Biden for enabling the genocide in Palestine. I hate Trump for everything. That man could breathe quietly in a corner and do nothing else for the rest of his Cheeto-faced life, and I’d still hate him. That said, I’m probably voting for Biden. But it’s really an election between problematic old man one and problematic old man two." 27. "I am conservative, but Trump is immoral and hateful and loves to stir up drama. We need a steady hand at the wheel of our country, a peacemaker, not someone putting out inflammatory tweets at 3 a.m. Biden seems like a nice man, but I strongly disagree with some of his policies. Both men are ANCIENT. I can’t believe that we can’t come up with better candidates. We are still scraping the bottom of the same barrel we had four years ago. Unbelievable." 28. "I’m definitely in the double hater club. Neither is worthy of my vote. We are really voting for Vice President in this case, and there is zero chance I would EVER vote for Harris. She’s beyond a disaster. So, depending on who Trump chooses, I’ll decide then. If he opts for someone I don’t want, I won’t vote for a president." 29. And finally, "First of all, I resent the label 'double hater.' I’m resisting a two-party system that has done nothing but lead to demise for every single person inside this country who isn’t the 1% and countless people outside this country who are affected by the war machine. My decision to not vote for either Biden, Trump, or anyone within the two-party system is a moral, ethical, and thoughtful decision made based on factors around capitalism, racism, sexism, ongoing genocides, access to healthcare, immigration, climate change, and so much more that the current government doesn’t give a sh*t about." Would you call yourself a double hater? Share your thoughts in the comments. References

    "The lesser of two evils is still evil."

    by Megan LiscombSenior Editor

    Voters who dislike both Trump and Biden (aka "double haters") could wind up deciding the 2024 presidential election.

    Voters Who Dislike Both Trump And Biden Are Sharing How They Think They'll Vote In November (2)

    Sopa Images / SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

    In a time when politics are polarizing, and many people are dug in on their positions, double haters — who make up roughly 15 to 20% of the electorate — appear to be poised to cast the deciding votes come November.

    If you want to know what Republicans or Democrats are thinking about this election, it's easy to find out — just switch on Fox News or MSNBC. But what about the double-haters? To understand where they're coming from, I asked members of the BuzzFeed Community who don't like either candidate to share their reasoning and how they're planning to vote.

    Whether you agree with them or not, they present important objections that the victor of the race will need to overcome, so that's why I'm so interested in sharing their views. Here's what they had to say:

    1. "Both are bad options. I feel as if either party had put out a candidate that was even somewhat competent they'd win in a landslide. I don't feel like there is a lot to hash out here. Trump is a loose cannon, and you have zero clue what he is going to say or do. I feel like during his first term, he had some people around him that helped keep him somewhat in check, but my fear is that this time around, that won't be the case."

    Voters Who Dislike Both Trump And Biden Are Sharing How They Think They'll Vote In November (3)

    Win Mcnamee / Getty Images

    "Biden is effectively a mascot at this point. It is clear that he and Harris are just the front people for whoever is running things behind the scenes. I don't know who that is, which also makes me incredibly nervous.

    I'm fiscally and socially more conservative-leaning, although I struggle to call myself a Republican, given how extreme the party has become. Ultimately, for me, it is choosing between someone I know is going to do things I disagree with (Biden) or someone who will likely do things legislatively I agree with but might do more bad than good (Trump)."


    2. "I have historically voted Democrat and tend towards the liberal side. I hate that Democrats are all talk and no action! If they really cared about the American people, they would be making real change, not just dangling things in front of people to get the votes but doing nothing once elected. I live in Oregon, which is historically a democratic state, so I’m leaning towards not voting at all this year since the electoral college means my vote doesn’t actually count. I can’t stand Trump, but I don’t know if I can vote for Biden, either. The two-party system is awful but even worse when both parties have mediocre candidates, at best."

    —Cristina, Oregon

    3. "A small part of me, and only a very small part, wants Trump to be elected because then you know he definitely can't run again because of the two-term rule we have in the USA. So we'd avoid all this strife another time once and for all. Another part of me is incredulous how a convicted felon can even run for the presidency in the USA."


    4. "I believe myself to be more closely aligned with the Green party than the Republican or Democratic parties. My reasons for not liking Trump should be obvious; he is a flagrant criminal who is focused on dividing our country. Biden, meanwhile, only appears to be a decent choice when compared to someone horrid like Trump. Biden continues the draconic practices at the southern border, practices like separating families and denying entry to asylum seekers."

    Voters Who Dislike Both Trump And Biden Are Sharing How They Think They'll Vote In November (4)

    Saul Loeb / AFP via Getty Images

    "Neither man is a genuinely good person; both appear to be some amount of lecherous and have criminals in their families and close circles. There are more reasons to dislike both of the men, but I'd rather move on. How will I be voting in November? That's a hard call. I prefer to vote Green when possible, but they are incredibly unlikely to make any major gains, especially toward the presidency. I might vote for Biden simply because Trump is the absolute worst choice in history."

    —Michael, New York

    5. "Blue MAGAs fear Project 2025 because suddenly, these mostly middle-aged white cisgender-heterosexual people will be treated like POC/queer/trans/non-christians/disabled/poor people. Biden is a far-right Republican, and Trump is a full-on fascist. Biden [hasn't done anything] for reproductive and trans rights and is a literal war criminal sending bombs and money to Israel every 36 hours. People are starving in our country; disabled people live on pennies, but don't worry, he's gonna kill those brown kids!"

    "Trump? Trump. Need I say more? Never. But to stave off Project 2025, etc., you need a Democratic majority and president forever. Trump has already packed the courts, and Democrats literally can't answer what they will do to stop Project 2025 outside of voting blue.

    As a disabled queer AFAB, no one is doing anything to help me. Literally not murdering brown people, investing taxes in us, and not military sh*t, universal healthcare (which Biden said he'd veto). A president who isn't 80 and a white man way out of touch with society would be ideal."


    6. "Morally, I can’t justify voting for either Biden or Trump. One supports genocide, and the other is a psychotic maniac who could start another civil war. So I’ll be voting Independent. Yes, the possibility of the independent candidate winning is low, but I believe if enough people vote Independent, it could make a difference a few elections from now."

    "It’s always a Dem or Rep that wins, so (at least I think) people are pressured into voting for one of the large parties. But if we, as a population, can show that we are willing to vote a different way, maybe future candidates won’t be as polarizing or might run on an independent platform that actually reflects some bipartisan ideas/what the people actually want (i.e., not funding genocide, not being racist/sexist/hom*ophobic or having 91 felony charges).

    The two-party system is a scam and just another way for rich people to stay rich and in power. The fact that people pledge unwavering loyalty to the right or left is ridiculous — it’s okay to have your own thoughts! It’s okay to not agree with your party all the time, and it’s okay to agree with the 'other' side sometimes. Plus, the two-party system makes candidates who really want to hold office sacrifice some of their ideals/morals to be backed by Dem/Rep parties.

    For those who are planning not to vote or unsure of how to vote this year — I’d urge you to vote Independent. Your vote DOES count (even if your candidate doesn’t win): show those assholes in DC that they do NOT run us. They are OUR representatives and work for US. It’s time they get reminded of that."


    7. "I’m 100% a double hater. I can’t stand both, and I have my issues with how Biden has handled things, but Trump is an absolute threat to our country. If you sit out this election, you are voting for Trump; don’t try to convince yourself otherwise."

    Voters Who Dislike Both Trump And Biden Are Sharing How They Think They'll Vote In November (5)

    Pool / Getty Images


    8. "I worked for The Trump Organization 40 years ago and knew then that the man was an ignorant, racist, sexist narcissist. He will lie and cheat to benefit himself. He has had more failures than successes, but he sells himself as a genius and calls anyone who doesn't agree a moron. I liked Biden years ago when he was more conservative, but I believe he is no longer mentally qualified for the job —and is a puppet for a party that has gone way too far left."

    "Both candidates are trying to avoid letting the public hear directly from RFK Jr. because he is running a respectable campaign without stooping to their level. He is only addressing the corruption in both parties, without resorting to childish insults, and is offering solid solutions that would dismantle the corporate control of our government by the rich. I will be voting for long-shot Kennedy as the only smart choice rather than the lesser of two evils. We should never have gotten to this point in history, and it needs to change."

    —Vincent, New York

    9. "Donald Trump is an egomaniacal, selfish, bullheaded moron who has no place holding a public office of any kind. Joe Biden is a shambling corpse who has no idea where he is or what he’s doing at any given time, and if it's not him directly funding genocide overseas, it’s his crooked buddies using him to do so. I am disgusted with both candidates and will not bother to vote this year."


    10. "Trump is a lunatic, and Biden is too weak. However, I will likely vote for Biden because it's a safe bet. I am a Republican that doesn't consider anyone who identifies as MAGA a Republican. It's a cult full of uneducated degenerates who believe that America has failed them. However, the truth is they have failed themselves due to their own stupidity in life."

    Voters Who Dislike Both Trump And Biden Are Sharing How They Think They'll Vote In November (6)

    Antonio Masiello / Getty Images

    "On the other hand, liberals, who I believe are not true Democrats, have their own agenda. They seem to believe they know what's best for everyone, whether you like it or not. 2nd amendment, for example. They want to blame and ban guns for the problem instead of acknowledging and putting resources into solving the massive mental health issues in this Country. Basically, blame the inanimate object for the problem, not the person behind it."

    —Mike, Washington

    11. "I f*cking hate having to vote for another old white man, but I'm going to do it. Even if Biden accomplishes nothing in a second term, it'll be better than having Drumpf in office again. He's a threat to democracy, so I'm voting Biden. Fingers crossed that Drumpf dies from a heart attack soon, so we can finally be rid of his racist, misogynistic, hom*ophobic, transphobic orange ass. He's a vile excuse for a human being."


    12. "I am not a 'double-hater' but a 'double-disapprover,' as NPR noted. Bot Biden and Trump have given us records and behaviors I disapprove of completely, so I refuse to put my stamp of approval on either by voting for them. I have been a lifelong Democrat, but I will not 'vote blue no matter who' because Biden’s arming of Israel and support of genocide in Gaza is horrifying."

    "That Democrats in Congress support Biden’s wars is further reason I no longer will adhere to the blue adage. Trump’s narcissistic, criminal behaviors that led to the January 6th Insurrection and his criminal convictions make him the least desirable potential Presidential candidate imaginable. I can’t think of anyone worse. I’ve thought of voting for Jill Stein but have not decided."

    —Therese, Minnesota

    13. "I’m not voting. I no longer believe that my vote even matters at this point, and I’m not going to be bullied by people from either side into voting for their candidate because 'every vote counts and it’ll be all your fault if my guy loses.'"

    The Washington Post / The Washington Post via Getty Images


    14. "I dislike Biden for a lot of reasons, mainly because he’s completely out of touch with the needs of the middle class, condones genocide, and, frankly, should be enjoying retirement, not stumbling around the capital. But I will vote for him in November because the alternative is a convicted fraud and conman who, as president, oversaw the deaths of millions of Americans to COVID due to a completely unhinged and incompetent response and who will, if reelected, make this country into even more of a dystopian hell-hole by enacting Project 2025 initiatives and becoming a dictator."


    15. "I have always been an Independent voter. I am, however, anti-Trump party and far-right extremism. Unfortunately, the Democrats are doing EXACTLY what they did in 2016 with Clinton. No majority of the Democrat base wanted Clinton to be the candidate, yet they thought they had it in the bag versus Trump. They did not listen to the base, which told them over and over that she could not win. There are, unfortunately, still too many men (and women) who despise the idea of a female president. The DNC is doing the exact same thing this time. It should not even be a choice in this election... yet here we are. It's depressing!"

    —John, West Virginia

    16. "Hate is a strong word, but I severely dislike both candidates. I am struggling with whether I will vote or not since the only option is to choose the lesser of two evils. Sadly, the lesser of two evils is still evil."

    Voters Who Dislike Both Trump And Biden Are Sharing How They Think They'll Vote In November (8)

    Christopher Furlong / Getty Images


    17. "I believe that Trump is a legitimate threat to democracy, and I am scared for the safety of my friends and family should he have a second term because of threats to LGBTQ+ rights, body autonomy, freedom of religion, etc. However, I cannot bring myself to vote for Biden, who is currently facilitating a genocide in Gaza. In general, I have lost faith in Democrats."

    "They seem to only have hollow promises while our rights get stripped away, just at a slower pace than if Republicans were in power. I know my state will go for Trump, and I feel like my vote has never really mattered because I've never lived in a swing state. I'm voting my conscience this year and voting for Cornel West. We need radical change in this country, not adherence to the status quo."

    —Tricia, West Virginia

    18. "They are both so terrible. Why are we forced to continuously pick the 'lesser of two evils'? I remember being a young kid and having huge respect for the office of the presidency, and now I realize these aren't the best and the brightest America has to offer. It's all about who has the most money from lobbyists. Trump is a dumpster fire of a human being who's committed criminal acts alongside members of his family who were NEVER qualified to be advisors."

    "Biden cannot finish a single thought and forgets everything. I'm not a big fan of his foreign policy or anything he's done to combat inflation and the high cost of housing.

    People like Trump because their gas and food were cheaper under his reign, and people like Biden because he isn't Trump and a Federal Ban on abortion will never pass. There is no such thing as a moderate politician anymore."


    19. "Clearly, only Republican or only Democrat has done nothing for this country. I don't understand why someone from the Green or Independent party is never elected. I don't understand why old, well-past-the-age-of-retirement, crusty, senile, white men are always in power in this country. We are burning, and we are failing, and we are suffering."

    Voters Who Dislike Both Trump And Biden Are Sharing How They Think They'll Vote In November (9)

    Mandel Ngan / AFP via Getty Images

    "Give us a young person, a POC, a woman, a person who is LGBTQIA+.

    L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y anyone else."


    20. "I would crawl over broken glass to vote against Trump. He's a horrible, deeply flawed human being who only cares for himself. A misogynist, sexist, racist, isolationist, useful Putin puppet, draft dodger, convicted felon, coup plotter, serial liar, and wanna-be dictator. I could go on and on about his failings. He has ripped this country apart and brought out the worst in people. As for Biden, he's a good man, but I feel deceived."

    "We were led to believe he would be a 'bridge' to a younger generation moving into the Presidency. And yet. He would not step aside gracefully. I even wrote him a letter asking him to please not run again. It's pure hubris to assume no one else could beat Trump. If he loses to Trump, it will be because of his age, which is something that can not be changed. I wish we had other choices than two old white men. But here we are. Again. I will vote for Biden because the alternative is the end of Democracy."

    —Christina, Alabama

    21. "Biden has done a supremely sub-par job in the face of admittedly extreme problems that need real solutions. While I think there's a degree of difficulty to factor in in terms of his accomplishments (or lack thereof), the worst unforced error of his presidency was the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Just an absolute sh*t show."

    "And while I think he's a pretty bad choice for president, I would vote for him all day, every day, and twice on Sunday rather than vote for Trump. The man is an amoral, lying, rapist, racist demagogue. He wants to be an authoritarian ruler and admires those who are. He will bring an end to the Ukraine war by allowing Russia to win it. Russia has tried its very best to meddle in our affairs to ensure his election. He also wants to lead our country into the abyss of state-sponsored religion.

    Biden is elderly and incompetent. Trump is elderly and actually evil. I'll take incompetent over actively evil."


    22. "At this point in my life, I absolutely refuse to vote for either Democrat or Republican party candidates. I will vote for the Independent, whom no one knows anything about, as the media will only showcase these two parties. I LOATHE that Americans will only vote for only Dems or Reps. I am NOT going to force myself to choose between these two."

    Voters Who Dislike Both Trump And Biden Are Sharing How They Think They'll Vote In November (10)

    Andrew Caballero-reynolds / AFP via Getty Images

    "If our government is truly listening to the people's concerns, they will see the true feelings of someone like myself ( I know I am not alone!) by seeing my vote in the independent party that gets shoved into the dusty corner of the voting booth. I'm just done with both. Regardless of their promises (LMAO), our history has clearly proven that as long as these two ass-hat parties keep exchanging power, nothing will change for the average person. I've tapped out of this revolving door of the same old sh*t, just a different election year."


    23. "In 2020, I voted for Biden just to get rid of Trump, but I can’t stand either of them. Trump is a senile lunatic, and Biden won’t do anything that could damage his political popularity (i.e., standing up to Israel on the Gaza genocide). Additionally, they’re both too old, IMO. They both need to retire and let someone younger get in there who actually understands society now. Not sure who I’m voting for at the moment, but it will likely end up being a third-party candidate."

    —Joe, Michigan

    24. "I do hate both candidates, but my primary objection is that most American people are not represented in our current political structure of old white men and wealthy individuals and corporations. Hardly anyone in politics is honestly working for the interests of the American people."


    25. "Both candidates show the worst extremes of both parties. It’s all about 'owning' the other side rather than coming to solutions that actually help people. I’m a conservative, and I want to use my vote to show I’m dissatisfied with the options and the direction of the Republican Party, so I will probably write in Nikki Haley. I would be tempted to vote for Trump if he picked a decent VP, but I doubt he will, and even if he did, they would probably slide down the MAGA slippery slope."

    Voters Who Dislike Both Trump And Biden Are Sharing How They Think They'll Vote In November (11)

    Pool / Getty Images

    —Dylan, Arizona

    26. "I hate Biden for enabling the genocide in Palestine. I hate Trump for everything. That man could breathe quietly in a corner and do nothing else for the rest of his Cheeto-faced life, and I’d still hate him. That said, I’m probably voting for Biden. But it’s really an election between problematic old man one and problematic old man two."

    "Covid proved that the government doesn’t care about us. The rich govern us, and they do not care what happens to the poor."


    27. "I am conservative, but Trump is immoral and hateful and loves to stir up drama. We need a steady hand at the wheel of our country, a peacemaker, not someone putting out inflammatory tweets at 3 a.m. Biden seems like a nice man, but I strongly disagree with some of his policies. Both men are ANCIENT. I can’t believe that we can’t come up with better candidates. We are still scraping the bottom of the same barrel we had four years ago. Unbelievable."

    —Lorra, Texas

    28. "I’m definitely in the double hater club. Neither is worthy of my vote. We are really voting for Vice President in this case, and there is zero chance I would EVER vote for Harris. She’s beyond a disaster. So, depending on who Trump chooses, I’ll decide then. If he opts for someone I don’t want, I won’t vote for a president."

    Voters Who Dislike Both Trump And Biden Are Sharing How They Think They'll Vote In November (12)

    Nicholas Kamm / AFP via Getty Images

    —Ayn, Minnesota

    29. And finally, "First of all, I resent the label 'double hater.' I’m resisting a two-party system that has done nothing but lead to demise for every single person inside this country who isn’t the 1% and countless people outside this country who are affected by the war machine. My decision to not vote for either Biden, Trump, or anyone within the two-party system is a moral, ethical, and thoughtful decision made based on factors around capitalism, racism, sexism, ongoing genocides, access to healthcare, immigration, climate change, and so much more that the current government doesn’t give a sh*t about."

    If I vote within a two-party system, nothing is ever going to change. The narrative around people not wanting to engage in the absolute INSANITY of a Democrat to Republican every four to eight years with literally nothing ever changing for the better, being called haters, is so exhausting. WE are the ones who are willing to take risks to see things change. WE are the ones who are stepping outside of the comfort zone."


    Would you call yourself a double hater? Share your thoughts in the comments.

    Voters Who Dislike Both Trump And Biden Are Sharing How They Think They'll Vote In November (2024)


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