HireVue Interview Questions (18 Questions + Answers) (2024)

HireVue is a digital recruiting company dedicated to finding the best talent for their clients using video intelligence for interviews. Their clients are talent acquisition or recruitment teams from top investment banks such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and Morgan Stanley.

Here's everything you need to know about a HireVue interview, including the most common interview questions and tricks to beat the algorithm so you can move on to the next step.

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1) Tell me about a time you worked on a team

HireVue Interview Questions (18 Questions + Answers) (1)

First, describe the context and the team's goal, then explain your specific role or responsibility within the team. Detail the actions you took as part of the team to meet your goals.

Conclude with the positive outcome or results of the teamwork.

Sample answer:

"In my previous role, we were tasked with developing a new marketing strategy to increase customer engagement. As part of the team, my role was to analyze customer feedback and market trends. I collaborated closely with team members from different departments, sharing insights and developing a comprehensive understanding of our target audience. My analysis helped shape our strategy, focusing on personalized communication and interactive content. The campaign we developed led to a 25% increase in customer engagement over three months. This experience taught me the value of diverse perspectives and reinforced my skills in data analysis and collaborative problem-solving."

This answer is effective because it concisely follows the STAR method, showcasing your ability to work collaboratively, contribute meaningfully, and achieve tangible results.

2) How would you handle a disagreement with somebody else on my team?

When answering this question, emphasize your communication skills, ability to understand different perspectives, and commitment to finding a mutually beneficial resolution.

Sample answer:

"During my time at QuickBooks, I encountered a disagreement with a colleague over a project timeline. I believe the first step in such situations is to listen actively to understand their perspective. In this case, I arranged a meeting to discuss our viewpoints. I shared my concerns about the tight timeline impacting the quality of work, while my colleague was worried about meeting client expectations. We both acknowledged each other's points and worked together to find a solution. We agreed on a slightly extended timeline with regular updates to the client, ensuring quality without compromising client satisfaction. This experience taught me the value of clear communication, mutual respect, and collaboration in resolving disagreements."

This answer is effective because it outlines a structured approach to handling disagreements, showing your ability to listen, communicate, and find common ground.

3) Why do you want to work for (company)?

Let’s assume you have experience working at Quickbooks and you’re applying for a job at JP Morgan. Mention how working at the company aligns with your career aspirations.

Reference the company’s culture or values that resonate with you.

Sample answer:

"Working at Quickbooks has deepened my understanding of financial services, and joining JP Morgan offers the opportunity to apply this knowledge in a more diverse and global context. I admire JP Morgan’s commitment to innovation and excellence in banking, which aligns with my aspiration to work at the forefront of financial services. The company's culture of integrity and continuous improvement resonates with my professional values. Also, JP Morgan's focus on employee development presents an environment where I can further grow and contribute meaningfully. My experience in developing customer-focused financial solutions at Quickbooks can be an asset in understanding and meeting the needs of JP Morgan's diverse client base."

When answering "Why do you want to work for JP Morgan?" in a HireVue interview, focus on highlighting the alignment between your professional goals, experience at Quickbooks, and what JP Morgan offers. Emphasize your admiration for the company’s values, culture, and leadership in the industry. Here's how to structure your response:

Company Reputation: Start by acknowledging JP Morgan’s standing in the financial industry.

Alignment with Professional Goals: Mention how working at JP Morgan aligns with your career aspirations.

Cultural Fit: Reference the company’s culture or values that resonate with you.

Leveraging Experience: Discuss how your experience at Quickbooks can contribute to your role at JP Morgan.

Here's a sample answer within 800 characters:

"Working at Quickbooks has deepened my understanding of financial services, and joining JP Morgan offers the opportunity to apply this knowledge in a more diverse and global context. I admire JP Morgan’s commitment to innovation and excellence in banking, aligning with my aspiration to work at the forefront of financial services. The company's culture of integrity and continuous improvement resonates with my professional values. Also, JP Morgan's focus on employee development presents an environment where I can further grow and contribute meaningfully. My experience in developing customer-focused financial solutions at Quickbooks can be an asset in understanding and meeting the needs of JP Morgan's diverse client base."

This answer is effective because it connects your past experience with the role you're applying for, and it clearly articulates why the company you’re applying for specifically appeals to you.

4) Why do you want to work for (division)?

For example, let's choose JP Morgan's Wealth Management division.

Your answer should reflect your understanding of the division's role, how it aligns with your career goals, and why its specific focus excites you.

Sample answer:

"I am particularly drawn to JP Morgan's Wealth Management division due to its reputation for innovative investment strategies and a client-centered approach. My background in financial advising and customer relationship management, honed at Quickbooks, aligns perfectly with the division's focus on providing tailored financial solutions to clients. I am passionate about helping individuals achieve their financial goals, and the opportunity to do so on a larger scale within a prestigious institution like JP Morgan is incredibly appealing. The division's commitment to leveraging technology for enhancing client experiences resonates with my experience and interest in tech-driven financial solutions. Working in this division would not only allow me to apply and expand my skill set but also enable me to learn from industry-leading experts."

This answer is effective because it articulates why the Wealth Management division specifically appeals to you, aligning your personal experience and interests with the division's focus.

5) What do you think that our (company) does differently than other firms?

Focus on unique aspects of the company, particularly in the division you're interested in. For example, let's choose JP Morgan's Asset Management division.

Highlight how this division stands out in the industry due to its strategies, client approach, technology use, or any other distinctive feature.

Sample answer:

"JP Morgan's Asset Management division distinguishes itself through its combination of global reach and local expertise. Unlike many other firms, JP Morgan leverages its extensive global network to provide diverse investment opportunities while maintaining a deep understanding of local markets. This approach allows for a more nuanced and effective asset management strategy that caters to a wide range of investor needs. The division's commitment to incorporating advanced technology and data analytics into investment decision-making sets it apart in the industry. This not only leads to more informed and strategic investment choices but also enhances the client experience. The division's innovative approach aligns with my interest in global finance and data-driven decision-making, making it an ideal fit for my career aspirations."

This answer is effective because it specifically highlights what sets the company apart from competitors, demonstrating your understanding of the division's unique strengths.

6) What is your understanding of the (division) and the analyst role?

Briefly describe the main functions and focus of the division you’re applying for. Then, explain the key responsibilities and expectations of an analyst in this division.

Sample answer:

"My understanding of JP Morgan's Investment Banking division is that it plays a pivotal role in providing strategic advice, raising capital, and managing risks for clients, ranging from corporations to governments. Within this division, the analyst role is crucial for conducting in-depth market research, financial modeling, and analysis to support these advisory and capital raising services. Analysts are expected to deliver high-quality, detailed work that informs decision-making processes and client recommendations. They also play a key role in preparing presentations and pitching materials for potential transactions. Working in this fast-paced environment requires strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and a solid understanding of financial principles, all of which are critical for the success of the division's objectives."

This answer is effective because it clearly articulates your understanding of both the Investment Banking division's main functions and the specific role of an analyst within that division.

7) Tell me about a time that you had to make a quick decision without full information

Set the context by describing a situation where quick decision-making was required, then explain your specific responsibility or the challenge you faced.

Sample answer:

"While working at Quickbooks, I faced a situation where a client urgently needed a customized financial report for a critical meeting, but I lacked some specific data details. Understanding the time-sensitive nature, I used my knowledge of standard industry metrics and client-specific trends to approximate the missing data. I informed the client about the situation and provided the best possible version of the report with a disclaimer about the approximations used. The client was able to use the report effectively in their meeting. Post-meeting, I followed up with accurate data for future reference. This experience taught me the importance of balancing speed with accuracy and transparent communication in decision-making."

This answer is effective because it succinctly follows the STAR method, showcasing your ability to make quick decisions based on available information and expertise.

8) Tell me about a time that you used technology to make a decision

To answer this question, explain your specific responsibility or the challenge you faced and describe how you used technology to inform your decision.

Conclude with the outcome or impact of your decision.

Sample answer:

"At Quickbooks, I was responsible for optimizing our client onboarding process. To identify areas for improvement, I utilized our CRM's data analytics tools to analyze customer feedback and engagement metrics. By interpreting this data, I noticed that clients often encountered difficulties during a specific stage of the onboarding process. Based on these insights, I decided to simplify this stage and enhance the explanatory materials provided. As a result, we saw a 30% reduction in onboarding time and a significant increase in client satisfaction ratings. This experience underscored the importance of harnessing technology to make data-driven decisions that directly impact customer experience and operational efficiency."

This answer is effective because it illustrates your ability to use technology for data analysis and problem-solving, a key competency in many roles, especially in the finance industry.

9) Tell me about a time you showed persistence and dealt with rejection

It’s important to be specific when answering this question. Describe a situation where you faced rejection or a significant obstacle. Detail the actions you took to persist despite the rejection.

Sample answer:

"At Quickbooks, I proposed a new client engagement strategy that was initially rejected by the management due to budget concerns. I believed strongly in the potential of this strategy to enhance client satisfaction. Instead of giving up, I sought detailed feedback and revised my proposal to be more cost-effective. I also gathered supporting data from similar successful strategies in the industry to strengthen my case. After presenting the revised proposal, it was accepted, leading to a 20% increase in client retention over the next quarter. This experience taught me the importance of resilience, adaptability, and backing proposals with solid data. It was a valuable lesson in not only persisting in the face of rejection but also in the power of constructive feedback and persistence."

This answer is effective because it demonstrates your determination and ability to constructively respond to rejection. It shows that you can adapt your strategies based on feedback.

10) Tell me about a time you failed and the lesson you learned from it

When answering this question, choose a scenario where you faced a setback or failure and focus on the positive outcome or growth that resulted from it.

Sample answer:

"While working at Quickbooks, I was tasked with leading a project to implement a new software system. Eager to show quick results, I rushed the rollout without thorough testing. This led to technical issues that affected client operations. Recognizing my mistake, I took responsibility and worked diligently to resolve the issues. This experience taught me the critical importance of thorough planning and testing, especially in technology projects. It was a humbling lesson in the value of patience and attention to detail. I learned that taking the time to do things right the first time is crucial, and this insight has guided my approach to project management ever since, leading to more successful outcomes and fewer setbacks."

This answer is effective because it transparently addresses a failure while emphasizing the positive lessons learned and subsequent improvements in your approach.

11) What is your greatest strength?

Focus on a strength that is particularly relevant to the role you're applying for and provide a specific example from your experience that demonstrates this strength.

Sample answer:

"My greatest strength is my analytical ability, particularly in financial data analysis. While working at Quickbooks, I was responsible for analyzing client financial data to identify trends and provide actionable insights. In one instance, my analysis of transaction patterns helped identify a significant billing inefficiency, leading to a 15% reduction in processing costs for a major client. This strength in dissecting complex data sets and deriving meaningful insights is something I can bring to the analyst role at JP Morgan. I believe it will be invaluable in accurately assessing financial risks and opportunities, ultimately contributing to informed decision-making and strategy development within the team."

This answer is effective because it identifies a relevant strength and provides a concrete example of how you have applied this strength in a professional context.

12) What is your greatest weakness?

When answering this question, choose a weakness that is honest yet not a fundamental flaw for the role. Focus on how you're actively working to improve this area.

Sample answer:

"One area I’m working on is public speaking. In my previous role at Quickbooks, I noticed that while I'm comfortable in smaller meetings, I sometimes get nervous speaking in larger groups. Recognizing this, I've taken proactive steps to improve. I enrolled in a public speaking course and have started to seek opportunities to present in larger settings. I’ve found that with each presentation, my confidence grows. Improving this skill is important to me, as I know effective communication is key in a client-facing role at JP Morgan. I'm committed to continuing to develop this skill, and I believe my progress so far will serve me well in effectively communicating with clients and colleagues alike."

This answer is effective because it identifies a realistic weakness and clearly outlines the steps you are taking to address it. It shows self-awareness and a commitment to personal development, which are desirable qualities in any candidate.

13) What would you do if you had a lot of things to do and not enough time?

Talk about your time management and prioritization skills. Explain how you prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, and discuss your approach to organizing your workload.

Sample answer:

"In situations where I have multiple tasks and limited time, my first step is to prioritize tasks based on their urgency and impact. While working at Quickbooks, I frequently encountered such scenarios. I would evaluate the deadlines and importance of each task, then create a structured plan to tackle them effectively. For tasks that were less urgent but still important, I would assess if they could be delegated or if I could seek assistance. This approach ensures that I focus on high-priority tasks first while managing the overall workload efficiently. I also stay adaptable to re-prioritize tasks as new information or urgent requests come in. This strategy of prioritization, efficient planning, and adaptability has consistently helped me manage my responsibilities effectively, even under tight deadlines."

This response is effective because it demonstrates a clear and practical approach to handling a heavy workload under time constraints. It shows your ability to prioritize, plan, and collaborate,

14) What does integrity mean to you?

Start by defining what integrity means to you personally and professionally. Explain why integrity is crucial, especially in a finance-related role.

Sample answer:

"To me, integrity means adhering to ethical principles and being honest and transparent in all professional dealings. It's about doing the right thing, even when it's challenging or when no one is watching. In the finance industry, integrity is particularly crucial as it builds trust and credibility with clients and colleagues. At Quickbooks, I faced a situation where there was an error in a client's account that was in our favor. I immediately reported it and ensured it was corrected, despite the potential short-term financial benefit to the company. This action reinforced trust with the client and upheld our company's reputation for fairness. I believe such actions are fundamental to long-term success and are essential in a reputable organization like JP Morgan."

This answer is effective because it provides a clear definition of integrity, emphasizes its importance in the finance sector, and illustrates it with a specific example from your experience.

15) What would you do if you saw someone cheating on a test?

For this question, show that you understand the importance of addressing unethical behavior. Do this by discussing how you would take appropriate and respectful action.

Sample answer:

"If I saw someone cheating on a test, I would recognize it as a serious ethical issue. My first step would be to approach the individual privately and discuss what I observed. I believe in giving people the opportunity to correct their actions, so I would encourage them to come forward and rectify the situation themselves. If they were unwilling to do so, or if the cheating continued, I would feel obligated to report the incident to the appropriate authority or supervisor. In a professional environment like JP Morgan, maintaining ethical standards is crucial, and I would not want to compromise those standards or the integrity of the assessment process. I believe in creating an environment of honesty and trust, and addressing such issues directly contributes to that culture."

This answer is effective because it demonstrates a balanced approach to handling unethical behavior. It shows your commitment to integrity and ethical standards.

16) What is a recent headline that you read in the news?

When asked about a recent headline you read in the news, you could mention a specific piece of financial news that demonstrates your awareness of current economic trends.

Sample answer:

"I recently read about the mixed performance of Wall Street following new employment data, as reported by Reuters. The report detailed how the latest job openings data hinted at a cooling economy, impacting the stock market. This aligns with my interest in financial markets and the importance of understanding economic indicators and their impact on financial institutions like JP Morgan."

This response is effective because it shows that you are informed about current financial news and understand its relevance to the banking sector. Discussing a specific, recent news article also displays your proactive approach to staying updated with the industry.

17) Talk about how a major weather event would impact markets

There are many angles to tackle this question. Here are some things you can talk about:

  • Discuss how certain industries, like agriculture or insurance, may be directly affected.
  • Mention potential disruptions to local and global supply chains.
  • Explain how major weather events can influence investor confidence and market sentiment.
  • Broadly discuss the economic repercussions, including potential impacts on GDP and employment.

Sample answer:

"A major weather event, like a hurricane, can significantly impact markets in various ways. For instance, it can directly affect sectors like agriculture, resulting in crop damage, or the insurance industry, leading to large claims. There's also a potential for disruptions in supply chains, affecting businesses locally and globally. Such events can cause volatility in the stock market as investors react to the uncertainty and potential economic impacts. In the longer term, these events can strain government resources and impact GDP, with recovery efforts requiring substantial investment. Understanding these dynamics is crucial in financial sectors like investment banking, where assessing risk and predicting market reactions are key aspects of the job."

This response is effective because it provides a comprehensive overview of how weather events impact markets, demonstrating an understanding of economic and financial concepts.

18) How would you invest one million dollars?

For this question, it’s best to present a balanced and diversified investment strategy that reflects sound financial principles. Emphasize the importance of diversifying the investment across different asset classes to mitigate risk.

You should also mention specific types of investments, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, or emerging technologies, and explain why you would choose them.

Sample answer:

"If I were to invest one million dollars, my primary strategy would be diversification to balance risk and return. Assuming a moderate risk tolerance and a long-term investment horizon, I would allocate 50% of the portfolio to a mix of equities, focusing on a blend of growth and value stocks in stable industries and emerging markets. About 30% would go into fixed-income securities like government and corporate bonds to provide steady returns and reduce volatility. I would allocate 10% to real estate investment trusts for diversification and income generation. The remaining 10% would be invested in alternative assets and emerging technologies, offering the potential for higher returns. This balanced approach aims to maximize returns while mitigating risk, aligning with a long-term growth perspective."

This answer is effective because it demonstrates a thoughtful, informed approach to investment, emphasizing diversification, risk management, and long-term growth.

What to wear to a HireVue interview to get hired

For your HireVue interview, dress as you would for a traditional face-to-face interview. The appropriate attire can vary depending on the role and company.

For example, if you're interviewing for a non-customer-facing role, the dress code might be more casual, so a clean, nice top without excess writing would be enough.

For roles where a suit and tie are the norm, you should dress similarly for your interview. The key is to align your outfit with the expected dress code of the position you're applying for​​.

What to expect in a HireVue interview

HireVue interviews are video-based.

This enables a company's recruiter to observe non-verbal cues such as your facial expressions, eye movements, body language, clothing details, and voice nuances. Recruiters can analyze these data points from the video to predict your future job performance.

Here's what will happen: The company you're interviewing for will send you the information you need to get started. You can choose to do your interview on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone, as long as your device has a camera, a microphone, and an internet connection.

Before the actual interview, HireVue offers practice questions. These questions are set up similarly to the real interview, which allows you to get unlimited practice attempts.

During the actual interview, however, you won’t get a second chance to record your answers.

The first interview is provided by HireVue. If the first interview is successful, a representative from the company will contact you for a second interview. Subsequent interviews involve live interactions with analysts, associates, VPs, and MDs, as part of regular interview rounds.

Each interview question provides 20-30 seconds for thinking, followed by up to three minutes for recording your response. The response time varies with the question's nature.

For example, complex questions demand longer, more thoughtful answers compared to simpler ones, like those about your name or overall GPA.

Understanding the interviewer’s point of view

Although you’re doing the interview on the HireVue platform, you should always keep the company you’re applying for in mind. If you’re applying for a top investment bank, like Goldman Sachs for example, try to understand what the company’s looking for in a candidate.

Some traits major corporations look for during an interview include:

  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Effective communication and interpersonal abilities.
  • Adaptability and resilience in a fast-paced environment.
  • Teamwork and collaboration skills.
  • A commitment to ethics and integrity.
  • Proactive and innovative thinking.
  • Leadership potential and the ability to take initiative.
  • A deep understanding of financial markets and products (for relevant roles).
  • Eagerness to learn and grow within the company.
  • A results-driven approach and a track record of achieving goals.

Keep these traits in mind during your interview. Think about each question and try to incorporate these attributes in your answers to get the best chance of nailing your HireVue interview.

Related posts:

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  2. Competency-Based Interview Questions (19 Questions + Answers)
  3. Receptionist Interview Questions (15 Questions + Answers)
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HireVue Interview Questions (18 Questions + Answers) (2024)


What are the most common HireVue interview questions? ›

Hirevue Interview Questions With Answers
  • Tell Me About Yourself. ...
  • Why Are You Interested in This Role? ...
  • What Are Your Strengths? ...
  • What Are Your Weaknesses? ...
  • Why Do You Want to Leave Your Current Job? ...
  • Why Should We Hire You? ...
  • What Are Your Salary Expectations? ...
  • How Do You Handle Pressure or Stressful Situations?
Feb 22, 2024

How to pass a HireVue interview? ›

Video Interview Tips
  1. Treat it like any other interview. Prepare for your HireVue like you would for any job interview. ...
  2. Find a quiet place with good wifi. Virtual interviewing is similar to the video calls many of us have been using. ...
  3. Take advantage of the practice questions. ...
  4. Be yourself.

How does HireVue detect cheating? ›

How does HireVue detect cheating? As an AI-based technology, the HireVue platform can track and analyze your eye and mouse movements and assess your voice to identify potential instances of cheating.

What do recruiters look for in HireVue? ›

Video-based assessments evaluate both what you know about performing the job (“hard skills” or competencies) and what recruiters call “soft” competencies, like communication skills, conscientiousness, problem-solving skills, team orientation, and initiative.

How does HireVue select candidates? ›

excellent verbal and written communication, team player, collaborative, problem solver ), and the HireVue questions are designed to determine if the candidate possesses those qualities. The algorithm then checks how many words from the job description you have included in your response. The more words the better.

Are all HireVue questions the same? ›

All candidates applying to a position will receive the same set of questions, selected by the hiring company. Additionally, HireVue takes measures to prevent candidates from seeing these interview questions before they are taking an interview.

How many people pass HireVue? ›

The number of “approvals” by HireVue for the next stage of interviews also varies. Cornell puts the number between 60% and 75%, although he stresses that it depends on both the role applied for and the stage within the interview process.

How long should your answers be on HireVue? ›

You will be given a certain amount of unrecorded time to prepare your answer, which could be anywhere from thirty seconds to two minutes.

How to dress for a HireVue interview? ›

Dress for the part: You wouldn't go to a real interview in a t-shirt and shorts, so don't do it for your HireVue interview. Dress in business attire (suit pants or skirt, shirt, and blazer). Don't wear anything distracting like a big watch, flashy nail colors, or too much makeup.

Can you redo answers on HireVue? ›

Once an interview response has been submitted, it's not possible to return to that question in the interview. It may be possible for you to be sent a new interview link in order to retake the interview from the beginning, however you would need to contact the hiring company with this request.

How many questions are asked on HireVue? ›

Most pre-recorded interviews include 5 to 8 questions and take about 20 minutes to complete. Unlike most pre-recorded interviews, HireVue interviews use an AI platform that analyses nonverbal cues, such as body language, eye movement, facial expressions, intonation, voice pitch, and mood.

Can I read off a script for HireVue? ›

Reading from a script – you might get away with this in a phone interview, but video makes it very obvious that you're not “natural.” Speaking too quickly. Again, this might be OK on the phone, but video makes it much worse.

How to do a successful interview with HireVue? ›

Maintain eye contact in front of the camera as if you're speaking face-to-face with a person. Make sure to enunciate your words and try not to stutter or have long pauses. You always want to be in the position of being ready to answer what's being asked. Don't forget to keep it natural.

How to answer tell me about yourself? ›

Provide a Brief Highlight-Summary of Your Experience

The best way to answer "Tell me about yourself" is with a brief highlight-summary of your experience, your education, the value you bring to an employer, and the reason you're looking forward to learning more about this next job and the opportunity to work with them.

Are HireVue games hard? ›

HireVue game assessments are simple and do not require any previous gaming experience. They are easy to play and navigate for anyone.

How to answer tell me about yourself in HireVue? ›

Here's how to answer it: Focus on what interests the interviewer, and highlight your most important accomplishments. Start with your most recent employment and explain why you are well qualified for the position.

Does HireVue have practice questions? ›

A: There are three generic practice questions that you can redo as many times as you need. There's no limit, we want to make sure you feel comfortable and ready to really succeed at your interview!

What questions does JP Morgan ask on HireVue? ›

2. JP Morgan HireVue questions
  • Why JP Morgan?
  • Tell me about a current event that will impact the financial markets.
  • Why investment banking / why this position?
  • How are the 3 financial statements linked?
  • Why is JP Morgan different from other banks?
Jun 27, 2022


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.